What is TFI Local Link Kerry?
TFI Local Link Kerry is the trading name of Kerry Community Transport CLG. TFI Local Link is the National brand for Public Transport services in local and rural areas of Ireland. There are 15 Local Link offices nationally which are funded by the National Transport Authority. TFI Local Link Kerry provides Safe, Secure and Reliable Bus Transport Services in Co Kerry. Kerry Community Transport CLG is an Independent Company with Charitable Status and is a non- profit organisation
TFI Local Link Kerry’s mission is to provide and promote community led integrated, inclusive, accessible, affordable, and sustainable transport that links people to services and facilities.

Call Centre and Passenger Bookings
All services are coordinated centrally through the Countywide Call Centre based in our offices in Castleisland. Services are available to anyone who wishes to avail of them. Passengers who wish to travel on a door to door service must book their seats. This is to ensure that the bus operator has them on their list to pick up & that there is always adequate capacity on the service.
Passengers can book a seat on a service by calling 066 7147002 or by emailing bookings@locallinkkerry.ie. These are monitored during working hours of Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00. Our offices are closed during Bank Holidays.
A designated contact from a group / organisation can also make the bookings on behalf of their passengers. Call Centre staff are very familiar with the customers making the services very personalised.
The extensive experience that staff has gained over the past 19 years of the local areas, the passengers and the various services adds to the high quality service that the company provides.

Call Centre and Passenger Bookings
All services are coordinated centrally through the Countywide Call Centre based in our offices in Castleisland. Services are available to anyone who wishes to avail of them.It is imperative that all passengers who wish to travel book their seats. This is to ensure that the bus operator has them on their list to pick up, that there is always adequate capacity on the service and that at all times TFI Local Link Kerry know who is on the buses.
Passengers can book a seat on a service by calling 066 7147002. They can book their seat for a month in advance and then only inform the call centre if they are unable to travel a particular day.
A designated contact from a group / organisation can also make the bookings on behalf of their passengers. Call Centre staff are very familiar with the customers making the services very personalised.
The extensive experience that staff has gained over the past 17 years of the local areas, the passengers and the various services adds to the high quality service that the company provides.
TFI Local Link Kerry provides Safe, Secure and Reliable Bus Transport Services in Co Kerry.
TFI Local Link Kerry has 19 years’ experience and expertise in the coordination and delivery of public & community transport services in County Kerry. TFI Local Link Kerry have responsibility for the co-ordination and delivery of public transport services in rural areas and operate as an agent of the National Transport Authority. There are 15 Local Link offices nationally – www.transportforireland.ie/tfi-local-link/
TFI Local Link Kerry are proud to provide a high quality professional bus service by working in partnership with Bus Operators, Communities and Organisations to develop and promote transport services which respond to unmet needs.
Many services operate semi flexible routes and can deviate up to 2 miles to pick passengers up at their own doors.
In 2023, TFI Local Link Kerry services recorded just under 370,000 passenger trips

TFI Local Link Kerry provides Safe, Secure and Reliable Bus Transport Services in Co Kerry.
TFI Local Link Kerry has 17 years’ experience and expertise in the coordination and delivery of public & community transport services in County Kerry. TFI Local Link Kerry have responsibility for the co-ordination and delivery of public transport services in rural areas and operate as an agent of the National Transport Authority. There are 15 Local Link offices nationally – www.transportforireland.ie/tfi-local-link/
TFI Local Link Kerry are proud to provide a high quality professional bus service by working in partnership with Bus Operators, Communities and Organisations to develop and promote transport services which respond to unmet needs.
Many services operate semi flexible routes and can deviate up to 2 miles to pick passengers up at their own doors.
In 2023, TFI Local Link Kerry services recorded just under 370,000 passenger trips
Local Link Kerry;
TFI Local Link Kerry operate a variety of different types of services;
TFI Local Link Kerry Board
Kevin Griffin
Co-opted Member
Vice – Chairperson
Norma Moriarty
Co-opted Member –
representing South West Kerry
Christy Murphy
Co-opted Member
Breandán Fitzgerald
Co-opted Member
Niamh O’ Donovan
Kerry Education and Training Board
Tony Donnelly
South Kerry Development Partnership
Bridget Fitzgerald
Kerry County Council – Executive nomination
Áine O’ Sullivan
Disability Federation of Ireland
Dolores McElligott
Health Service Executive
John Stack
North, East & West Kerry Development
George Kelly
Co-opted Member
Kathy Mawe
Co-opted – representing
Older People / Day Care Centres
Michael Scannell
Co-opted Member
Mikey Sheehy
Kerry County Council Elected Representative
Maura Walsh
IRD Duhallow
Alan O’ Connell
Company Secretary
TFI Local Link Kerry Staff
Alan O’ Connell
General Manager
Siobhan O’ Keeffe
Operations Co-ordinator
Calum Stewart
Service Procurement & Compliance Officer
Aidan Savage
Business Development Manager
Karina O’Mahony
Senior Financial Administrator
Yvonne Dennehy
Office Administrator
Lisa Bradley
Call Centre / Admin
Catheriona Doyle
Call Centre / Admin
Joan Griffin
Call Centre / Admin
Currently there are in excess of 170 regular bus routes operating all over Kerry under the management of TFI Local Link Kerry.
Please ring TFI Local Link Kerry on 066 7147002 for queries on existing bus services or if you can identify the need for a transport service in your area.
TFI Local Link Kerry work with Communities, Agencies and Local Authority in identifying unresolved transport needs in Co. Kerry.